Prof. Dr. Mahendra Prasad Singh Rajput
Academic Qualification
PhD in Economics
MA in Economics, B.L.
Diploma in Conflict Management (Sweden)
- Administrative Experience
- Rector, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu(059-063 BS)
- Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences(FHSS), Tribhuvan University
- Campus Chief, R.R. Campus, Janakpurdham, TU(051-54 BS)
- Proctor, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu (2044/46 BS)
- Founder Head, Central Department of Rural Development, Kirtipur
- Warden, Tribhuvan University Boys Hostel Kirtipur
- Research Experience
- Research Experience (Academic)
- Supervisor of PhD Students of Nepal and Indian Universities
(A number of scholars have been awarded PhD under my supervision)
- Research Experience ( Project)
Some of the notable projects are mentioned below:
- Chief Coordinator
Project: Solid Waste Management in Kathmandu Metropolitan City(2016)
- Socio Economist
Project: Study of Sanitary landfill site in Mechinagar, Municipality, Jhapa(BS 2070/72)
- Socio Economist
Project: Detail Engineering Study of Sanitary Landfill Site in Mechinagar, Jhapa (BS 064/65)
- Socio Economist
Project: Feasibility Study of Sanitary Landfill, Mechi (BS. 2070/2071)
- Experiences in Government Agencies
- Member, Policy Research Institute, Office of the Prime Minister, Singh Durbar, Kathmandu(BS 2070-72)
- Member, University Grant Commission, Kathmandu, Nepal ( AD 2012-16)
- Member, Senate of Tribhuvan University (BS 2060-63)
- Member, Senate of Purwanchal University, Biratnagar(2072/74)
- Member, Higher Education Draft Committee, UGC, Nepal(2014/15)
- Coordinator, A committee on Deemed University Concept in Nepal, University Grant Commission(2016)
- Other Experiences in Private Sector Education
- Founder Principal and Member of Governing Board, Kantipur City College, Putalisadak, Kathmandu
- Chairman,Gyankunj Higher Secondary School and College, Kalimati
- Chief Academic Advisor, Lord Budha Education Foundation, Maiti Devi, Dilli Bazar
- Counselor, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Gyaneshwar, Kathmandu
- Chairman, New Millennium Campus, Janakpur .
- Chairman, Rajarshi Janak Foundation for Research and Development, Kathmandu 2056 BS
- Other International Experiences
- Member of Nepalese Delegation, United Nations General Assembly, New York, for a whole regular session of 110 days in 1984
- Delegate: World Conference of Higher Education, UNESCO, Paris, 2059 BS
- Represented UGC ” On Quality Assurance in higher Education” Macao, 2015 AD
- Research and Popular Articles: In number of journals and National Daily and Weekly.
- Books
- Economics, Statistics and Mathematics(for intermediate students)
- Rural Development (A New Perspective)
- Country Papers
- Paper Presented in United Nations Peace Committee on “Nepal in Peace Keeping” 1984
- Paper Presented on Higher Education in universities in Tokyo, Saitama (Japan) and Oslo (Norway) at different times.
Countries Visited
Austria, China, France, Germany, Macao, Norway, Oman, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Thailand, India, USA
Contact Details
Permanent : Municipality: Hanspur, Kathpulla-02, Dhanusha, Nepal
: Ekantakuna, Kusunti-13, Lalitpur, Nepal
Email :